Senin, 18 November 2019

Four techniques teacher must have

5 Teaching Techniques That Teachers Must Master.
1. Study before class
Students prepare lessons before class, so they will be more excited to explain the material that has been learned.  They will also be motivated to answer any questions about the topic in class.  In the end, this method can make them go beyond their own limits, and increasingly explore their curiosity.

2. Solution to problem
This technique is based on a real case through analysis, exchanging ideas, and innovating to get creative ideas.  Students are asked to study in groups to solve a case.  But be careful, in practice, students can come up with solutions that are so difficult to do.  However, by doing problem solving it can increase curiosity, analytical skills, and creativity you know, Mr / Mrs Teachers.

 3. Self study
Let students focus on exploring in an interesting field according to him, and learn it self-taught.  His curiosity will be the main driver in learning.  Researcher in the field of education, Sugata Mitra, has conducted this experiment in several regions such as New Delhi, South Africa and Italy.  They allow children to access the website without being guided.

Goals and techniques for teaching reading

Goals and Techniques for Teaching Reading
1. Reading Process
It can develop students awareness of the reading process andreading strategies by asking students to think and talk about how they read in their native language.
Allow students to practice the full repertoire of reading strategies by using reading material.
Students practice reading strategies in classin their reading assignments . It encourage students to be conscious of what they are doing while they complete reading assignments.

2. Integrating Reading Strategies
 Instructors can help their students to become more  effective readers by teaching them how to use strategies before, during and after reading.

Principle for Good practice

Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
1. Encourage contact between students and faculty.
 with students is very important. The contact between students and teachers are vital to the students' success. One of the main reasons students leave school is the feeling of isolation that they experience. The concern shown will help students get through difficult times and keep working. Faculty have many avenues to follow to open up the lines of communication.

2. Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students.
 students are encouraged to work as a team, more learning takes place. Characteristics of good learning are collaborative and social, not competitive and isolated. Working together improves thinking and understanding.

3. Encourage active learning.
Learning is an active process. Students are not able to learn much by only sitting in classes listening to teachers, memorizing pre-packaged assignments, and churning out answers. They must be able to talk about what they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, and apply it to their daily lives. Students need to make learning a part of themselves.

The reason why we should teach

The reason why you should teaching listening
1. Learners develop an ability to discriminate sounds. Listening iearnvolves the identification of the differences among sounds. This identification and discrimination leads children to the understanding that sounds are grouped together to form words.

2. Students realize the value of listening. Listening makes up a great percentage of a students day, both in and out of school. Expanding their views of listening and the benefits of using good listening skills can impact how they use listening. For instance, listening precisely to verbal instructions has a direct impact on students success in the classroom. They know exactly what they are to do as a result of being able to perform this type of listening.

3. Students learn to listen for a variety of purposes. There are many purposes for listening, such as to determine a speakers intended message, being able to thoughtfully respond to a speakers message, and to appreciate music. The good news is that teachers can actually teach children how to listen for a variety of purposes, which is one of the main goals of the Listenwise curriculum. Teaching students how to listen is far different from simply expecting them to develop this complex language art by listening for longer periods with no specific focus.

How to improve english speaking

How To Improve English Speaking Skills
1).Find An English-Speaking Conversation Partner
First of all, its important to find native speakers to practice with. Students who are living around many English speakers may be able to find informal opportunities to chat with neighbors and local business people.
2).Make Sure To Listen As Well As Speak
When practicing with a native speaker, try to balance your listening and speaking. Its a good idea to prepare questions in advance so that the conversation will flow back and forth.
3).Record Your Conversation Practice
Recording is a great way to get the maximum benefit from a conversation with a native speaker. When you listen again, you can evaluate your own pronunciation and notice areas where you need to improve.

Testing vocabulary